My dear community, Happy Sunday!
How have you been experiencing the first week of 2023? It's truly been a powerful week as we close a cycle of retrogrades and along with them a time of inner listening and restructuring. This is especially what Mars retrograde has been encouraging us to do, but very soon, all planets will be direct and that will be our cue for action.
The clarion prepares to sound, and the first to hear, rise and answer the call. This is the momentum we are building together now, as we prepare to receive Pluto at 0° Aquarius. This moment is so important that our January Full Moon Gathering was dedicated to learning more about this, and the big reality shift that is coming in.
The age of Aquarius is not an event, but a stage of life that we, as humanity, are entering. -Raquel Spring
I hope you enjoy the replay of our live community gathering, where we come together to receive deeper meaning, guidance, and answers to the next chapter of our lives that we are opening. With moments of meditation, deep reflection and of activation, in this Full Moon Community Gathering we come together to awaken the spark of the Aquarian Age within.
It's time.
It's time to wake up.
I love you, and happy 2023!
With love, Raquel Spring.
