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You Are Being Guided!

Feb. 13, 2025

Full Moon in Leo influences continue


“You are being guided!" 


For the next few days as you fill yourself with the energies of the Full Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus take the time to explore self-expression, liberation, and growth in areas of your life that you may not have used. If you haven’t played a musical instrument or painted or been taking pauses in your work, use this energy to break free from limitations to embrace your authenticity, try something new, and step into your power. Continue staying open to the unexpected, and trust that the universe is guiding you toward your highest potential.

-The Oracle.



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Break Free From Limitation

Feb. 12, 2025

Full Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus


“Break free from limitations!" 


The Full Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus is a time to radiate your authentic presence, to fully express yourself and liberate, to grow no matter what is happening around you.


Use this energy of the Uranus square to the Sun. and Moon to break free from limitations, embrace your authenticity, and step into your power. Stay open to the unexpected, and trust that the universe is guiding you toward your highest potential.

The T-square of Uranus in Taurus bringing disruption and upset to help you re-align to your true purpose, means if you are not in alignment, this full moon is going to shake you to the core!

Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius which adds electrical fire power to the Sun in Aquarius with its care for the greater good of your community opposing the Full Moon in Leo being what you need to bring forth creatively to align your true purpose with what your larger commununity and society at large expects from you. 

So keep your eyes peeled, use that intuitive periphery x-ray vision to be aware of timelines and possibilities coming to you from odd and unexpected angles.

Stay centered in your heart and regulate your nervous system with lots of pauses and breath awareness to stay in the flow of your everyday existence and expect the unexpected! Be true to your soverign, authentic self and be radical enough to break free of your limitations.


It is time to act!

-The Oracle.



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Expect the Unexpected!

Feb. 11, 2025

Leading up to Full Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus


“Expect the Unexpected!" 


With Uranus in Taurus squaring the Full Moon, sudden changes are likely. Stay flexible and open to new possibilities, even if they disrupt your plans.


There are sudden awakenings and revelations that are happening right now so be open and stay tuned to the messages between the lines, the hidden codes in what you say and do.!


-The Oracle.



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Karmic Deadline!

Feb. 10, 2025

Mars retrograde trine Saturn in Pisces


“Karmic deadline!" 


Mars retrograde trine Saturn in Pisces creates strong events around karmic responsibilities. It asks you to look at your lessons. Where you have taken responsibility and where you haven’t. And then to look at what is next. This is a karmic deadline! Take notice!


-The Oracle.



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Big Changes Ahead!

Feb. 9, 2025

Mercury conjunct the Sun in Aquarius


“Big changes ahead!" 


Mercury conjuncts the Sun in Aquarius and brings a new beginning with lots of twists and turns and a feeling of not knowing what to expect. 


There are truly big changes ahead!


With Mercury conjunct the Sun in Aquarius, we are moving into innovative ideas, radical thought structures and paradigms.


Think big, stay optimistic, and pursue your new ideas and passions with confidence.


-The Oracle.



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Advancement & productivity!

Feb. 8, 2025

Jupiter trine Mercury and Sun 


“Good energy for advancement and productivity" 


Jupiter trine Mercury and Sun brings advancement and productivity in new ideas, communication skills, and abundance. It enhances your ability to express your new ideas to others, connect with others on these new projects, and achieve your goals..


-The Oracle.



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Release and Transform!

Feb. 7, 2025

Mars retrograde at 18° Cancer square Chiron 


“A profound opportunity for release and transformation" 


As Mars squares Chiron, the wounded healer, this retrograde brings to the surface patterns and vulnerabilities carried across lifetimes, offering a profound opportunity for release and transformation.


The emphasis is on honoring your boundaries, communicating with harmony and peace, and confronting emotional wounds with courage.


-The Oracle.



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Stay True to your Boundaries!

Feb. 5, 2025

Mars retrograde at 18° Cancer 


“Stay true to your boundaries and heal deep wounds" 


Mars Retrograde in Cancer invites a period of deep reflection and healing, particularly around boundaries, emotional security, and lifelong wounds.


-The Oracle.



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Jupiter brings resolution!

Feb. 5, 2025

Jupiter direct at 11° Gemini 


Are you ready to wrap things up, and move forward into resolution?" 


A powerful momentum is rapidly building this week in your Gemini house.


Jupiter, is known for its association with authority, justice, religious systems, laws, global legislations and the established government.


Paperwork contracts and documents come to light as many partnerships reach important conclusions and decisive resolutions. 


Perhaps you've been waiting for important news to come through, or for a decisive contract to come to a resolution. This may be your cue that things are finally ready to speed up. 


This week, many things start to pick up as a noticeable shift in energies arrive, accelerating the course of many paths around the world.


Where are you ready to wrap things up and move forward into resolution?

-The Oracle.


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The New Dawn of Venus!

Feb. 4, 2025
Venus enters 0° Aries 


Venus opens a channel for the very first song of a new dawn to come in.” 


For some, this may come in the form of a dream, in the form of an idea, in the form of perhaps even a vague distant sensation of what the future holds. 


For others, it may be more of a palpable knowing, maybe a nudge to begin something new, just like we are beginning our joint blog. 


It might just be your cue to listen and to venture into something new. 


It might be the very, very first dawn of a new thought, a new idea, an emotion, or the pull towards a brand-new beginning. ​


Don't dismiss it as 'one more idea', but tune into this fresh new scent as an early message from spring, and of a new beginning that is ready to dawn from you.   

-The Oracle.


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Astro News Bundle

Astro News Weekly Audios + Astro News Monthly Live Workshops
Access month-by-month, or enjoy them all for FREE when you Join The Mentorship Program.

Astro News 2025: January

1. January 2025 Astro Visions, Astrology Update, Astrology spiritual purpose, Raquel Sprin

Astro News Monthly


The Lunar Nodes in Virgo-Pisces​


Dive Deep into the astrological and evolutionary energies of January. A full transmission on the key transits and important energies of the month.


JANUARY 2025 Weekly Audio Raquel Spring, Weekly Audio Booster astrology, updates, spiritua

Astro News Weekly


Weekly Audio Boosters​

This podcast features Raquel Spring and Stephen as they explore the important astrological and spiritual energies of each week. These guiding audios are designed to provide you with news, updates, practices, and tips to help you navigate with awareness.​​​​​​​

Astro News 2025: FEBRUARY

2. February 2025 update, spiritual update, Astrology Raquel Spring, what does this mean fo

Astro News Monthly


A Leap Into The Unknown​


Dive Deep into the astrological and evolutionary energies of February. A full transmission on the key transits and important energies of the month.


February 2025 Weekly Audio Raquel Spring, Weekly Audio Booster astrology, updates, spiritu

Astro News Weekly


Weekly Audio Boosters​

This podcast features Raquel Spring and Stephen as they explore the important astrological and spiritual energies of each week. These guiding audios are designed to provide you with news, updates, practices, and tips to help you navigate with awareness.​​​​​​​

Astro News 2025: March

3. March 2025, astrology update, astro visions 2025, monthly update March, Spring Equinox

Astro News Monthly


Neptune 0° Aries - Venus Retrograde - Eclipses​


Dive Deep into the astrological and evolutionary energies of March. A full transmission on the key transits and important energies of the month.


March 2025, Weekly Audio Raquel Spring, Weekly Audio Booster astrology, updates, spiritual

Astro News Weekly


Weekly Audio Boosters​

This podcast features Raquel Spring and Stephen as they explore the important astrological and spiritual energies of each week. These guiding audios are designed to provide you with news, updates, practices, and tips to help you navigate with awareness.​​​​​​​

Astro News 2025: April

4. April 2025 astro visions, raquel spring spiritual guidance, monthly update, neptune in

Astro News Monthly


Stepping Into 0° Aries​


Dive Deep into the astrological and evolutionary energies of April. A full transmission on the key transits and important energies of the month.


April 2025, Weekly Audio Raquel Spring, Weekly Audio Booster astrology, updates, spiritual

Astro News Weekly


Weekly Audio Boosters​

This podcast features Raquel Spring and Stephen as they explore the important astrological and spiritual energies of each week. These guiding audios are designed to provide you with news, updates, practices, and tips to help you navigate with awareness.​​​​​​​

Astro News 2025: May

5. May 2025 Saturn In Aries Lightning Strikes. Raquel Spring Astrology.png

Astro News Monthly


Saturn in Aries
Lightning Strikes!​


Dive Deep into the astrological and evolutionary energies of May. A full transmission on the key transits and important energies of the month.


May 2025, Weekly Audio Raquel Spring, Weekly Audio Booster astrology, updates, spiritual a

Astro News Weekly


Weekly Audio Boosters​

This podcast features Raquel Spring and Stephen as they explore the important astrological and spiritual energies of each week. These guiding audios are designed to provide you with news, updates, practices, and tips to help you navigate with awareness.​​​​​​​

Astro News 2025: June

6. June 2025 Astrology, Jupiter in Cancer, Raquel Spring, Home, Mother, Divine Feminine, J

Astro News Monthly


Jupiter in Cancer
Legacy - Home - Mother​


Dive Deep into the astrological and evolutionary energies of June. A full transmission on the key transits and important energies of the month.


June 2025, Weekly Audio Raquel Spring, Weekly Audio Booster astrology, updates, spiritual

Astro News Weekly


Weekly Audio Boosters​

This podcast features Raquel Spring and Stephen as they explore the important astrological and spiritual energies of each week. These guiding audios are designed to provide you with news, updates, practices, and tips to help you navigate with awareness.​​​​​​​

Astro News 2025: July

7. July 2025 Astrology, Uranus in Gemini, A New Voice, Raquel Spring, energy update, month

Astro News Monthly


Uranus in Gemini
A New Voice​


Dive Deep into the astrological and evolutionary energies of July. A full transmission on the key transits and important energies of the month.


July 2025, Weekly Audio Raquel Spring, Weekly Audio Booster astrology, updates, spiritual

Astro News Weekly


Weekly Audio Boosters​

This podcast features Raquel Spring and Stephen as they explore the important astrological and spiritual energies of each week. These guiding audios are designed to provide you with news, updates, practices, and tips to help you navigate with awareness.​​​​​​​

Astro News 2025: August

8. August 2025 Astrology, energy update Lion's Gate, Adjustments, timeline shifts, astrolo

Astro News Monthly


& Timeline Shifts​


Dive Deep into the astrological and evolutionary energies of August. A full transmission on the key transits and important energies of the month.


August 2025, Weekly Audio Raquel Spring, Weekly Audio Booster astrology, updates, spiritua

Astro News Weekly


Weekly Audio Boosters​

This podcast features Raquel Spring and Stephen as they explore the important astrological and spiritual energies of each week. These guiding audios are designed to provide you with news, updates, practices, and tips to help you navigate with awareness.​​​​​​​

Astro News 2025: September

9. September 2025 astrology, energy updates, monthly, Raquel Spring, spiritual meaning, pl

Astro News Monthly


& Timeline Shifts​


Dive Deep into the astrological and evolutionary energies of September. A full transmission on the key transits and important energies of the month.


September 2025, Weekly Audio Raquel Spring, Weekly Audio Booster astrology, updates, spiri

Astro News Weekly


Weekly Audio Boosters​

This podcast features Raquel Spring and Stephen as they explore the important astrological and spiritual energies of each week. These guiding audios are designed to provide you with news, updates, practices, and tips to help you navigate with awareness.​​​​​​​

Astro News 2025: October

10. October 2025, astrology update, raquel spring, monthly update, october 2-25 astrology,

Astro News Monthly


Divine Acceleration
& Timeline Shifts​


Dive Deep into the astrological and evolutionary energies of October. A full transmission on the key transits and important energies of the month.


October 2025, Weekly Audio Raquel Spring, Weekly Audio Booster astrology, updates, spiritu

Astro News Weekly


Weekly Audio Boosters​

This podcast features Raquel Spring and Stephen as they explore the important astrological and spiritual energies of each week. These guiding audios are designed to provide you with news, updates, practices, and tips to help you navigate with awareness.​​​​​​​

Astro News 2025: November

11. November 2025 astro visions, astrology update, monthly update, raquel spring, Jupiter

Astro News Monthly


Everything Changes​


Dive Deep into the astrological and evolutionary energies of November. A full transmission on the key transits and important energies of the month.


November 2025, Weekly Audio Raquel Spring, Weekly Audio Booster astrology, updates, spirit

Astro News Weekly


Weekly Audio Boosters​

This podcast features Raquel Spring and Stephen as they explore the important astrological and spiritual energies of each week. These guiding audios are designed to provide you with news, updates, practices, and tips to help you navigate with awareness.​​​​​​​

Astro News 2025: December

12. December astrology forecast 2026, 2026 astrology, raquel spring energy update 2026, si

Astro News Monthly


The Astrology Forecast of 2026!​


Dive Deep into the astrological and evolutionary energies of 2026! A full transmission on the key transits and important energies of each month.


December 2025, Weekly Audio Raquel Spring, Weekly Audio Booster astrology, updates, spirit

Astro News Weekly


Weekly Audio Boosters​

This podcast features Raquel Spring and Stephen as they explore the important astrological and spiritual energies of each week. These guiding audios are designed to provide you with news, updates, practices, and tips to help you navigate with awareness.​​​​​​​


"I have watched numerous astrologers, and most state the same thing. Raquel Spring is the only astrologer that makes my light bulbs, bells, and whistles go off, spiking my curiosity for more. I always feel more knowledgable after watching every video. What an amazing gift."

- Tiffiney P.

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Raquel Spring, 4th Generation Astrologer  © Copyrights by Spring Media Productions. All Rights Reserved.

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