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Raquel Spring Year of The Dragon 2024, what does it mean?


In a world that is brimming with tension and challenges, the Dragon’s heartbeat speaks of powerful cycles ahead. How can we listen and move in harmony with the Year of the Dragon? This workshop is more than an astrological guide, it’s a journey of aligning with the incoming Dragon energies, and from this place preparing for the next step!


The Year of the Dragon Dawns!

The Year of the Dragon 2024 finally reveals the dawn of a new power, and a significant pathway for new energies to come in! Do you feel it? A new force is here. This is truly a time to step forward with Dragon energies into new light, and a new life. 


In this workshop we will explore the pivotal month of February, and activate powerful Dragon energies together. Some themes of focus for this workshop are: 


1. The Power of The Dragon in 2024: 

Pluto in Aquarius and the North Node in Aries have made the clarion call for new leaders to rise. Now, the Year of The Dragon opens the door to a new human embodiment, a radical DNA shift, and announces the time to step into sovereignty and freedom! 


2. Aquarius Season: Revolution is here! 

In February, the Aquarius momentum really picks up as Mercury, Venus, and Mars join the Sun and Pluto in this emerging power. 


3. New Moon in Aquarius square Uranus: 

Radical steps and new paths February’s New Moon emphasizes the Aquarian revolution through a square to its ruler, Uranus. This adds to the superpowers of Sun, Pluto, Mercury, Venus, and Mars, who are all in Aquarius, and initiates a radical paradigm shift for 2024. 


4. Saturn covers new degrees and begins new themes in Pisces 

Last year, Saturn reached his maximum distance of 7° Pisces. In February, Saturn finally catches up and moves into new ground, new territory for your Pisces house. 


I am blessed to dive deep into all this information with you, to activate Dragon energies together, and step into this fresh energy that is coming in as some of the first to rise to the forefront and receive this new light! 


With love,

Raquel Spring


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