Mercury Stations Direct @ 8° Capricorn!

January 18, 2023
We begin the day with MERCURY stationing direct @ 8° CAPRICORN!
The excitement in the air is palpable and I have been up since the wee hours of dawn, with my binoculars, tuning forks, etc etc, in ceremony locating (and communicating with) Mercury as we welcome this powerful moment!
Now, here it is, this is the moment (and cue for action) many of us have been waiting for! But Mercury’s station happened inconjunct Mars in Gemini, and square Chiron in Aries, so the ‘action’ happening right now may not entirely be what some were expecting, however it is very, very necessary.
Mars and Mercury retrograde have been offering us deep moments of soul realizations, plenty of time to feel, to notice, to get clear, and yes, now it is time for action, but this energy is meant to help you take action on the necessary adjustments you are ready to make, from the lessons you have learned during this time, moving forward!
Resistance to this opportunity will result in conflict (Mercury square Chiron) and frustration (Mercury inconjunct Mars).
This golden opportunity to make adjustments is especially important as we approach the upcoming Aquarius new moon of January 21, which will be a game-changer for every single astrological chart on this planet, in 2023!
Use this day and time wisely.
Happy Mercury Direct!
🔮 -Raquel Spring