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Writer's pictureRaquel Spring

New Moon In Scorpio - Power, Passion, Transformation

The Sun, Moon, Pluto & Uranus, these are the planets we will be looking at today...

The main key players of this Scorpio New Moon are the Sun and Moon, who, when come together are the two focal points of any New Moon. Next is Pluto, who is the ruler of the sign of Scorpio, and sign where this New Moon is taking place. Finally we have Uranus, who is in the sign of Taurus, and exactly opposing the Scorpio New Moon.

🔥 The sign of Scorpio: The New Moon is in the sign of Scorpio, which is a sign that speaks of depth of emotion. This will highlight a month filled with passion and depth of emotion. People will be feeling a lot and feeling deeply, and much of it is going to be involving relationships. This is, in many ways, setting into motion the themes that we are going to be working with during the upcoming Venus Retrograde.

🔥 Pluto as the ruler of the New Moon:

Pluto is intrinsically connected to the New Moon as the planet who rules Scorpio. Currently, Pluto is treading sensitive territory as he completes a 250-year cycle for the USA, bringing about the USA’s Pluto Return, and along with it a turning point for the country, and of course for the world as well, because this country has significant influence on the rest of the world.

So, as we close a monumental 250-year cycle of soul intention and soul evolution we come to a head with all that we have been since then, as we transition from the gates of death and prepare for a rebirth. Pluto is not only the ruler of this New Moon in Scorpio, but Pluto is also preparing to become the new ruler of the South Node meaning that we are going to see Pluto become more and more active for the world from this point on, and for the rest of 2022.

So this New Moon is very important, and very sobering.

🔥 Electrical Uranus Activates New Moon:

Another highlight of this New Moon is the planet Uranus who is at 12° Taurus and exactly opposite the 12° Scorpio New Moon. Uranus is a planet known for its electrical nature, and whether through chaos and disruptions, or through activations and breakthroughs, Uranus is here to bring change, radical change, ultimately so that we can awaken and evolve.

So this New Moon is indicating change of some sort, for everybody in a slightly different way, depending on where 12°Taurus and Scorpio are in your chart, and because we're looking at an opposition between Uranus and the Sun/Moon, we are looking at a potential for strong contrast, where extreme emotions spark a radical desire for big decisions and bold action.

So there's some aspect of change coming in, and things becoming defined around that.

🔥 Connecting the dots:

There is something significant that is connecting this New Moon in a profound way with an important event that will take place during the months of July and August of 2022.

July and August of 2022 are going to be big turning points for the world. I will explain more about this in upcoming articles, but know that this month’s New Moon in Scorpio is awakening themes that we are going to see become fully evident by July and August of 2022, both on a world level as well as a personal level. This will happen when the North Node will conjunct Uranus in Taurus.

Concluding: The themes that are awakening for you right now, the decisions you are making, and the steps you are taking in that direction will reach a point of full blossom and full expression in July and August of 2022. Look to your Taurus house for this awakening then, but know that they are being birthed today with the Scorpio New Moon.

Cheers to a Scorpio New Moon of power, passion, and transformation!


❤️ Raquel Spring

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