The Black Moon Lilith moves through Virgo from October 2023-July 2
In this video we look at what this energy speaks of as it transits through your Virgo house during this time.
Our most powerful journey with the Black Moon Lilith yet!
Most importantly, we look at the Black Moon Lilith as an archetype, an archetype that is alive in our psyche and in our soul. We explore this archetype as a 'dark and forgotten' aspect of the feminine, the divine feminine, as it pertains to the essence of Gaia herself, and that is now returning once again.
I also offer deep pearls of wisdom on the powers of transmutation and transfiguration, and on the power of freedom that the Black Moon Lilith brings when you know how to work with her.
May this powerful transmission awaken the same echo of freedom within your soul that is ready to awaken during this time. In love, Raquel Spring.
Feel free to share this video and message with those you know will resonate with this message! Thank you, I love you, and I look forward to being back with you again soon for my next video update on the Eclipses of October.