Happy Summer Solstice, the Sun is entering 0° Cancer right now.
This marks a season of peak solar power, which also brings greater activity in our solar year.
I personally love to receive the Sun as it rises every year during this solstice window, as it is a time I can imbibe this energy on a cellular level even more fully.
Greeting the Sun in this way all week, leading up to the Solstice point, and then a few days after, is where a lot of the new information comes through for me every year. It’s one of my greatest joys in life to experience this.
This Solstice I’ve also been finding myself calling on, not just the '3rd eye', but the full spectrum of light and sight, to open up and be revealed! It's a great time to align with this energy as there is definitely a lot of new Light and Solar power coming through right now. This is also paving the way for a hot summer season… It's interesting to note that as the Sun enters 0° Cancer, the Moon, and ruler of this new season, is found in the bold sign of the Sun itself: LEO.
Make way, the Mother is ready to come through. The Lioness is ready to roar. Happy Solstice! ~ Raquel Spring.
